Service without Subversion. Support without Stipulation.


The Ally Ship is here to redefine allyship!

The Ally Ship is committed to moving beyond rhetorical and symbolic allyship that often fails to leverage tangible support to those most impacted by white supremacy and privilege, Black folx. Our membership base consists of nearly 100 white allies with more than 45 direct action volunteers, located in Montréal Quebec / Lebanon New Hampshire; Rochester, NY; Round Rock, TX; Fort Worth, Texas; San Bernardino, CA with a home chapter in Austin, TX. Our collective of revolutionary allies around the nation are working to actively dismantle white supremacy by following the leadership of our parent federation, 400+1.

Our collective praxis exists to:

  • Create the economic infrastructure to support Black revolutionaries of the 400+1 Federation through reparations-based programming.

  • Create a network of white folx ready and willing to defend, protect and advocated through meaningful gathering and political education. No matter what comes down the political pipeline, we’ll be poised to respond in ways that support the efforts to destabilize capitalism , racism, and toxic democracy.


Membership Requirements:

  • Submit an application to join The Ally Ship membership base. You will hear back on the status of your application within two weeks.

  • Accept your social responsibility to pay reparations in the form of your monthly due and canvassing requirement*. Reparations are the foundation to a praxis of white allyship and the following options account for the spectrum of lived experience of our membership base.

  • Commit to TAS Community Agreements. Found here:

    **If you are not able to afford $20 per month, please indicate that in your application form and we will reach out with sponsorship information.


Membership Updated Opportunities:


While, so far, The Ally Ship has been modestly successful, 400+1 has always held that its pursuit of white allyship is an experiment. We have no definite answer as to whether or not white investment in Black revolutionary struggle is realistic, viable, or sustainable. On the one hand, the federation has successfully organized over 100 white people to pay reparations, monthly, to 400+1. On the other, it’s been an immense challenge to attract or develop leadership that will commit itself to growing The Ally Ship as a resource to Black revolutionary struggle. 

  • Moving forward, TAS will prioritize the development of active leadership, growing TAS base through canvassing, and zeroing in on its contribution to L3 development. This will look like:

  • a shift from mandatory reparations dues each month to mandatory monthly reparations dues and mandatory canvassing that members can choose to engage on an annual, quarterly, monthly, or bi-weekly basis.

  • a shift from virtual TAS orientations to in-person orientations to TAS that include a canvassing training and preliminary political education. Out of state members will be accommodated at bi-annual orientation retreats that will be scheduled based on mutual availability.

  • monthly, virtual political education offered by the federation’s Ministers of Cohesion


  • Explore your passions, find community, and contribute your energy by joining a TAS Team**. Teams include:

    • Ethical Mission Trip team: Team members volunteer for monthly work trips to 400+1’s intentional living community from April to September, each year.

    **Team members are required to commit at least 15 hours a month which can include attending required monthly membership meeting.

If you have any questions about what it means to be apart of our membership base please email us at:




Now that you are officially an Ally, make sure you look like one!


Frequently Asked Questions

I have friends in places all over the world, can they join The Ally Ship? Absolutely! The Ally Ship has members all over the U.S. with one chapter in Austin, TX. Official chapters can be established and begin programming once a city has recruited at least 50 local members.

What are membership requirements? TAS members are required to: 

+Accept your social responsibility to pay reparations in the form of your monthly due and canvassing requirement.

+Commit to TAS Community Agreements. Found here:

How can members recruit new allies? TAS members, under the leadership of Black revolutionaries, are now committing to leveraging their capacity for the purpose of canvassing. Members will receive a canvassing training, if they commit to participating in a in-person orientation. This will equip members will the skills, community and eventually confidence to organize their own communities toward a praxis of allyship; beginning with reparations.

What are membership dues used for? Your monthly dues go directly to the basic incomes of each of the Black revolutionaries within the 400+1 federation or Orishians. For each Orishian , we need 10 revolutionary allies to fully sustain them. That means one more Black person working full time to disrupt white supremacy and reimagine a new equitable world for us all.

Still have a question? Email us at: